| Syrien Factsheet: Syria

Anbei finden Sie das Factsheet zu Syrien (Stand: 16.03.2022) der ''European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations'', welches auf der Homepage der Europäischen Kommission veröffentlicht wurde:


After 11 years of war, the Syria crisis is characterised by unparalleled suffering and humanitarian needs. Some 6.9 million Syrians are internally displaced, and another 5.6 million are refugees abroad.

Hostilities continue across the country at a low intensity while food insecurity and malnutrition are increasing alarmingly.

Syria’s struggling health system and low COVID-19 response capacity are worrying. The country is also experiencing a severe economic crisis. The EU is a major humanitarian donor for Syrians in need across the region.

What are the needs?

According to the latest humanitarian needs overview, 14.6 million people require assistance inside Syria. Half the population faces severe food shortages.

In north-west Syria, 2.7 million people remain displaced. Many have fled multiple times, and 3.4 million people urgently need humanitarian assistance. The UN’s Security Council resolution on cross-border assistance from Turkey offers them a vital lifeline.

In the north-east, close to 650,000 people are displaced, of which 135,000 live in camps.

In the areas controlled by the government, over 3 million people remain displaced, and more than 9 million highly vulnerable people need life-saving aid.

COVID-19 has worsened living conditions for vulnerable families. 97% of the population lives below the poverty line and over 80% of the population is food insecure.

In the summer of 2021, Syria experienced its worst water crisis and drought in 70 years, especially in the north-east. Its effects are still felt. Some 5 million people are increasingly facing water shortages, food and electricity. This has also negatively affected agricultural production.

The Syria crisis remains a particularly complex protection crisis. Continued violations of international humanitarian law and lack of protection are reported at a community level.

Humanitarian aid is critical, but restrictions and bureaucratic impediments hamper the work of organisations.

How are we helping?

The EU and its Member States are the leading donors of international aid to those affected by the conflict in Syria. Since the start of the crisis in 2011, the EU has mobilised more than €25 billion to support the most vulnerable Syrians inside the country and across the region.

The EU has organised, over 5 consecutive years, from 2017 to 2021, conferences supporting the future of Syria and the region. These have been the main pledging events for the Syria crisis.

In 2021, the European Commission mobilised over €141 million in humanitarian aid to provide vital assistance to millions of people inside Syria.

Adding to its initial allocation of €130 million, the Commission provided over €10 million to support people suffering from the severe water crisis and drought in northern Syria. The funding also helps support people throughout the winter.

An additional €1 million was allocated for COVID-19 response.

In light of numerous attacks on civilians, hospitals and other civilian infrastructures over the past decade, the EU has continuously urged all parties in the conflict to allow unimpeded and safe humanitarian access to people in need. It has also repeatedly called for the respect of international humanitarian law.

Inside Syria, EU humanitarian assistance is channelled through some 40 humanitarian partners working countrywide where needs are the most acute. They are providing Syrians with (i) health care; (ii) food assistance including cash transfers; (iii) shelter; (iv) water, sanitation and hygiene services; (v) psychosocial support; (vi) essential household items; (vii) education; and (viii) protection (including actions to prevent sexual and gender-based violence and provide support to survivors, child protection and humanitarian mine action).

The EU’s humanitarian interventions focus primarily on addressing life-threatening situations while trying also to promote early recovery by improving access to basic services for those in desperate need.

Partners provide emergency aid tailored to the needs of vulnerable people and try to protect them from further harm. They attempt to reach Syrians across the country, in underserved or newly accessible regions and in areas where people are at risk of being repeatedly displaced. The aim is also to avoid a further deterioration of their situation.

With needs around the country greater than ever, the EU also supports the UN’s humanitarian air services. Domestic flights are facilitating the delivery of aid and the transport of humanitarian staff to areas with limited access and important needs.

Humanitarian organisations operate in very challenging circumstances, obstructed by insecurity and continued access constraints. They strictly adhere to the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence.

The EU also funds humanitarian aid in countries within the region – TurkeyLebanonJordanIraq and Egypt – which combined host more than 5.6 million registered Syrian refugees.


Facts & figures

14.6 million people in need in 2022.

More than 6.9 million internally displaced.

Over 5.6 million registered refugees, including: 

  • 3.7 million in Turkey
  • 839,000 in Lebanon
  • 673,000 in Jordan
  • 256,000 in Iraq
  • 138,000 in Egypt
    (UNHCR March 2022)

Total assistance by the EU and its Member States to the Syria crisis:
more than €25 billion since 2011

EU humanitarian funding inside Syria:
over €141 million in 2021

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